Thursday, September 20, 2007

Finding Home

When I was alive, before the army of the Scourge mutilated my body and soul turning me into a thoughtless flesh-eater and the undead of the Forsaken freed me from that life of mindless brain-eating, I was a herder of cattle. I had two thousand stock and a prosperous ranch. My wife was just beginning to show with our third child. My two boys were young and strong and I was the proud parent. I would ride the range checking my stock, driving back wolves and the occasional other predator. The sun was at my back the wind was brisk and there was no tomorrow, only the pleasant knowledge of a a future for my family growing stronger...

That was ripped from me by the war... I have spent my time wandering the earth since my new un-life, and I believe I was always searching for my home. My previous home was burnt & ruined by the scourge and I don't even want to go back. My heart would break seeing the burned out shell of what I had.

...and now I have come to Nagrand in the Outlands. Through a portal to a burning fiery shore, full of war and turmoil, demons trying the break through the gate and a sparse desolate land. From there to a swamp filled with giant mushrooms and a musky spore-laden stench of rot and decay. I came through all, to Nagrand, and I don't want to leave.

There are vast fields dotted with trees and lakes. Giant Clef-hoof Bulls and the deer-like Talabuk roam wild on the plains. I see vast plains, feel the sun on my back and believe I am finished looking for home.

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