Me at the top on one of the "Thousand Needles"...
These days, I'm spending time in Thousand Needles helping out the local Tauren at FreeWind Post. There are a good number of centaur here. Which is ok, they drop a lot of silk & wool cloth bits so I can make good bandages and sell the spare.
There is a group of Tauren that have gone bad here as well. They call themselves the Grimtotem and are located at the top of Darkcloud Pinnacle. Darkcloud Pinnacle is at the top of several of the mesa's connected via rope bridges. There are shammans-type tauren and various fighter types. The biggest annoyance is when several of them get together, the shamman type usually casts a healing totem and you have that healing the fighter types.
The reason you actually want to head up there is that Arnak Grimtotem, the leader of the Grimtotem Clan, is up there. There's a reward for his head! Take a friend, he's got two guards with him.
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